After designing the layout for a website in PhotoShop, I write the code in Notepad++. I can also use Bootstrap to easily setup the layout of a site before customising it. To make customisation easy for clients, these sites can also be converted to WordPress themes.
I also use Adobe Illustrator to design scalable logos, flyers and posters, Premier Pro and After Effects to create video packages, and Blender to build 3D models.
The websites I build use HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery.
I also write more advanced server side programming in PHP and MySQL, and have some experience with the Laravel and Slim frameworks.
In the summer of 2016, a team launched a summer scheme north of Belfast called Creative Kidz NI. I designed and created a logo and flyers to be distributed as marketing material.
In May 2017, after the success of the summer scheme in 2016, I was commissioned to update their existing flyer, as well as create a website consisting of a home page, a sign up page, and a staff area, where the CreativeKidzNI team can log in to view/edit the information on registered children.
More info...The design of the flyer was mostly influenced by an art teacher and head of CreativeKidzNI, Siobhan O'Reilly. Siobhan drew a basic outline of the direction she wanted to take the flyer. Using Illustrator, I then created a vector version of the flyer, so they could print it in any size they wanted. Again, Siobhan drew a basic idea she had for a logo and I made a vector version, cleaned it up, and added colours. Using a vector graphic gives the flexibility to easily use the logo on any size of print or any screen resolution without losing quality.
The design of the 2017 flyer stayed mostly the same, they only required the information to be updated and some elements rearranged. The 2017 flyer also showcases some photos from the 2016 summer scheme
CreativeKidzNI wanted the home page to expand on the flyer, repeating the key information, such as dates, times, age groups etc. as well as providing more that wouldn't fit on a small flyer, such as policies and parent/guardian testimonials from 2016.
The website is styled using Bootstrap along with some custom CSS. The sign up page uses PHP and MySQLi to write the information provided by parents/guardians to the database. When a member of staff signs in they are greeted with a list of options to choose from. Currently they can view and edit information on individual children, delete individual children, display only the children attending a particular week.
The time frame given for the website was quite small. As the 2017 summer scheme has now finished, I will begin further development for the 2018 summer scheme. For this I plan on adding the following features:
During my placement year in University, I worked in T13 on many projects including creating websites, designing posters and capturing and editing photo and video.
These projects can be found here
BikeRiteNI is a group of BMX coaches located in Belfast. In 2015 they required a website and promotional video to help grow their business. They hired someone to create their logo and I animated it in Photoshop. I used their logo for the colour scheme for their website. So that they could easily edit the website as they pleased, I first created the site using HTML and CSS, and then converted it to a completely custom WordPress theme. The site features profile pages for the coaches, gallery pages for any videos and photos they want to add, and a contact page with an email form. All this is easy for them to edit and update using WordPress.
I recorded all video files and sound effects and edited them into a video package using Adobe Premiere Pro. This is displayed on the home page.